Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) earned two more awards from Crime Stoppers International during the annual conference held this fall in Singapore. The CSI awards, all in the Under 300,000 population category included, Best Media Television – Special Report/Feature with Wightman TV and Best Media Radio Feature with The Grand […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington
The Award Winning Bucket Sale at Young’s Home Hardware is slated for Saturday November 30 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located at 525 Main Street, North, Mount Forest, Young’s Home Hardware is hosting the event for the fifth year in 2019. Shoppers can purchase a Home Hardware bucket for […]
In a gesture of supporting the partnership between Guelph Police Service (GPS) and Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW), the service will be installing decals on 34 marked cruisers in the coming weeks. The decals, which include the black and red CSGW logo, were donated to the service and feature the […]
The goal behind Darren’s Day 2019 was to honor the memory of Darren More and give back to the community he loved so much. Thanks to the generous support of friends, families and neighbors, approximately $2,000 was gifted to each of four community groups, Town of Minto Minor Sports, Palmerston […]
A new location and sponsors resulted in the most successful Guelph Shredding Event to date for Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW). With Skyjack sponsoring the service provided by Wasteco and offering up the Skyjack parking lot to host the event, all funds raised at the Sept 14 event went directly […]
WrightHaven Homes of Fergus has joined Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington to sport program decals on its entire fleet. The decals, which boast the CSGW logo, the website and the toll free number, are visible day and night and offer a reminder to the public that reporting crime is simple. […]