Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) was voted the winning cause at the December 16th 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington (100 WWCRW) resulting in more than $10,000 in funding for the program. The funds, raised by community-minded women in rural communities in the County of Wellington, are earmarked for an […]
News & Events
It was time to say ‘Thank you’ to two supporters who have advocated for Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington in different ways. Retired Inspector Scott Lawson, former Detachment Commander for Wellington County OPP, was included in the Christmas dinner and annual general meeting for CSGW on December 11. At that time, […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) earned two more awards from Crime Stoppers International during the annual conference held this fall in Singapore. The CSI awards, all in the Under 300,000 population category included, Best Media Television – Special Report/Feature with Wightman TV and Best Media Radio Feature with The Grand […]
The Award Winning Bucket Sale at Young’s Home Hardware is slated for Saturday November 30 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located at 525 Main Street, North, Mount Forest, Young’s Home Hardware is hosting the event for the fifth year in 2019. Shoppers can purchase a Home Hardware bucket for […]
In a gesture of supporting the partnership between Guelph Police Service (GPS) and Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW), the service will be installing decals on 34 marked cruisers in the coming weeks. The decals, which include the black and red CSGW logo, were donated to the service and feature the […]
The 2019 Mount Forest Shredding Event raised the most money in the history of the event, with $1,960 in payments and donations coming in for Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington. Those on hand for the event include, from left, CSGW Board Chair Rick Beazley, Board member Dennis Craven, Board […]