Parr Auctions was once again the setting for the 2018 County of Wellington/Wellington County OPP Property Auction, benefitting Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW), on June 14. The auction is the opportunity for police to empty out property vaults once investigations are concluded, and they are not able to return property […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) At approximately 3:15am on Monday June 18th 2018, a robbery occurred at a hotel located in the area of Silvercreek Parkway North and Woodlawn Road, in the City of Guelph. Three unknown males entered the premise and one was wielding a weapon. Stolen was an undisclosed […]
Erin was the latest stop on the CSGW flag tour for the June 19th meeting of Town of Erin Council. Program Coordinator Sarah Bowers-Peter updated council on CSGW statistics, as well as the numerous initiatives and awards presented to the program. Council was very pleased with the work being done […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) has once again earned provincial recognition, this time bringing home five awards from the 2018 Ontario Association of Crime Stoppers Conference (OACS) held in Hamilton, May 31-June 3. The first award was Special Project for a Program with a Population Under 300,000. This was presented […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington is kicking off an exciting contest that will have you asking “Where in Wellington is Crime Stoppers?!” Each week, starting June 4, a photo of the brand new CSGW truck will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Share this photo with the location of the […]
It’s an annual tradition; the County of Wellington/OPP Property Auction! This is a fundraiser for Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington with the proceeds of the auction, as well a donations to the barbecue and sales of the CSGW T shirt, helping pay tipster rewards and to operate the program. The public […]