Once more, the statistics prove that Crime Stoppers works in the City of Guelph and County of Wellington. Last year, 725 calls and web tips were received by Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW), which is an increase from 2016. While not a police organization, CSGW works with Wellington County OPP […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) Just before 5:00pm during operating hours on Sunday August 5th 2017, a theft occurred from an business located on Tower Street South in Fergus. The suspects are described as one male and one female. The suspect vehicle is described as a maroon coloured van with […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) Between the hours of 10:22pm and 10:32pm on Friday August 11th 2017, a theft occurred from a business located at 655 St. David Street North in Fergus. Stolen was a debit card reader that was mounted on the wall. Value of stolen property is approximately […]
Those looking to participate in the CSGW hosted event It Takes A Village (ITAV) are in luck. Tickets are still available for the November 18th event. Designed to have separate presentations for both Adult and Youth audiences, ITAV will give participants the tools and information to identify and address threats […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) Just before 5:00pm during operating hours on Sunday August 5th 2017, a theft occurred from an business located on Tower Street South in Fergus. The suspects are described as one male and one female. The suspect vehicle is described as a maroon coloured van with […]
MORE INFO TO FOLLOW: Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) is proud to host It Takes A Village, a multi-agency event that will target Human Trafficking, Child Pornography, Child Exploitation, Cyber Safety, At Risk Youth & how CSGW can help. The event will take place Saturday November 18, at Centre Wellington […]