(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) In the early morning hours of Monday January 13th 2025, an abandoned vehicle was found on its roof along Jones Baseline, outside of Guelph in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa. The vehicle is described as a white SUV and had been stolen between the hours of 2:30pm and 6:30pm […]
Township of Guelph/Eramosa
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) Between the hours of 2:30am and 4:00am on Friday February 7th, 2025, a break and enter occurred at a dealership, located on Whitelaw Road near Wellington Road 124, in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa. Forced entry was gained through a locked gate, and three vehicles were stolen. The […]
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) On August 28, 2005, human remains were discovered by a pedestrian walking in a wooden rest stop/picnic area on Highway 7, west of the Town of Rockwood Ontario. Investigators identified the remains as female, and further examination revealed that prior to her death she experienced a broken left […]
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) In March 2024, an incident of fraud occurred from business located in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa. A cheque for over $38,000 was mailed from the business to a vendor, but was intercepted and deposited into a fraudulent bank account. Images of persons caught on surveillance have been […]
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) At approximately 2:00am on Sunday October 15th 2023, multiple vehicles were entered on Juniper Street and Drenters Court in Rockwood. Three suspects were involved. Stolen were several miscellaneous items, including of a set of keys. In that instance that the suspects tried to use the keys to […]
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) At approximately 3:30am on Sunday October 15th 2023, a theft occurred from a residence located on Park Street in Eden Mills. Stolen from a vehicle parked in the driveway were miscellaneous items including personal identity documents. Two suspects were involved in the incident and a possible suspect […]