(TOWN OF ERIN) In the early morning hours on Sunday March 3rd 2024, two separate but related incidents occurred at an apartment complex located on William Street in Erin. One vehicle was broken into, and government ID and credit/debit cards were stolen. A second vehicle was stolen, described as a […]
Town of Erin
(TOWN OF ERIN) In the early morning hours on Saturday January 13th 2024, two separate vehicle thefts occurred from residences in the Town of Erin. The first incident took place at approximately 3:45am. Stolen was a black Ford F150 pickup truck. The second theft took place at approximately 4:45am. Stolen in […]
(TOWN OF ERIN) At approximately 2:00am on Friday September 15th 2023, a structure was discovered in flames on Sideroad 10, south of Erin. An unoccupied residence and vehicle on the property were destroyed by the fire. The damage caused is estimated at $1,200,000 and the fire is being treated as […]
(TOWN OF ERIN) Sometime before Sunday January 22nd 2023, a break and enter occurred at a residence located on the Ninth Line in the Town of Erin. Stolen was a handgun and a quantity of tools. The suspects are described as three white males, with short dark hair, and under the […]
(TOWN OF ERIN) At approximately 1:30am on Friday January 13th 2023, a break and enter occurred at a local gas station located on Main Street in the Town of Erin. Two suspects gained entry to the business and stole an ATM machine containing approximately $1,800. One suspect is described as male, […]
(TOWN OF ERIN) Sometime between 6:00pm on Tuesday October 25th and 6:10am on Wednesday October 26th 2022, a theft occurred from a construction site located in the Town of Erin. The site is operated by TACC Construction Ltd. at Wellington Road 124 and 10th Line. Culprits removed the heavy chain and […]