(CITY OF GUELPH) At 8:20pm on Friday May 26th 2023, three hit & runs involving the same vehicle occurred in the downtown area of Guelph. At 8:30pm a white Chevrolet pickup truck was seen striking two parked cars along Wellington Street West and then driving away. Minutes later the same […]
Stolen vehicle
(CITY OF GUELPH) At approximately 10:30pm on Tuesday March 21st 2023, a theft occurred from the Mobile Gas station, located on Clair Road East in Guelph. Stolen was approximately $70 worth of fuel that the suspect pumped into their vehicle. The vehicle was later discovered to be stolen from York […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON) At approximately 7:30pm on Monday February 20th 2023, a single vehicle collision occurred on the Fourth Line in the Township of Centre Wellington. A vehicle left the roadway at a bridge closure barricade and ended up in a creek. The vehicle was later discovered to have […]
(CITY OF GUELPH) Between Saturday October 8th and Monday October 10th 2022, a theft of two high-end muscle cars occurred from a dealership located on Woodlawn Road West, between Imperial Road North and Elmira Road North in Guelph. At approximately 10:30pm on Saturday October 8th two suspects arrived at the […]
(CITY OF GUELPH) Sometime between the hours of 9:00pm on Monday August 22nd and 8:30am on Tuesday August 23rd 2022, a theft occurred from a residence, located near the intersection of Clair Road East and Victoria Road South in Guelph. Stolen from the driveway, was a 2004 black Chevrolet Avalanche. […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON) Sometime between 4:00am and 5:00am on Sunday August 28th 2022, four vehicles were stolen from residences located on Pattison Place in Fergus. In all four instances the vehicles taken were 2022 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup trucks. Two of them are described further as a grey Sport […]