(CITY OF GUELPH) At approximately 1:45pm on Tuesday February 25th, 2025, a robbery occurred at a jewelry store, located near Speedvale Avenue East and Stevenson Street North in Guelph. Forced entry was gained by smashing the glass front door to the business. There were four suspects who entered the business, while […]
3 posts
(CITY OF GUELPH) At approximately 4:30am to 4:40am on Tuesday February 4th, 2025, three break and enters occurred at a plaza, located near Gordon Street and Clair Road East in Guelph. Forced entry was gained into three separate businesses. An undisclosed amount of cash was stolen from each, and in one […]
(CITY OF GUELPH) Just before 5:00pm on Friday May 24th 2024, a robbery occurred at business located in the downtown core of Guelph. Three males entered a jewellery store armed with hammers. The display cases were smashed, and $200,000 worth of merchandise was stolen. The suspects left the scene in […]