Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) earned two more awards from Crime Stoppers International during the annual conference held this fall in Singapore. The CSI awards, all in the Under 300,000 population category included, Best Media Television – Special Report/Feature with Wightman TV and Best Media Radio Feature with The Grand […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) At 7:25pm on Thursday September 26th 2019, a theft occurred from a business located on Parkside Drive in Fergus. A male entered the business and removed nine bottles of alcohol and placed them in a laptop bag. He proceeded to the checkout and made a […]
WrightHaven Homes of Fergus has joined Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington to sport program decals on its entire fleet. The decals, which boast the CSGW logo, the website and the toll free number, are visible day and night and offer a reminder to the public that reporting crime is simple. […]
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) At approximately 7:00pm on Monday June 24th 2019 a theft occurred from a drug store located on Tower Street south in Fergus. Two unknown culprit(s) entered the store and stole a quantity of product, valued at approximately $300.00. […]
Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) has announced the results of its successful 2019 Spring Mulch Sale campaign. The sales, held April 27, May 4 and May 11 in Guelph, Fergus and Mount Forest respectively, are key fundraisers for CSGW which allow them to pay tipster rewards and operate the program. […]
Get a great deal and support Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW)! The annual Wellington County OPP and County of Wellington Property Auction is an exclusive opportunity to bid on items that have been recovered by police, but cannot be returned to their rightful owners. Once again, Parr Auctions is hosting […]