(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime over the weekend between the dates of Friday September 2nd and Tuesday September 6th 2016, multiple break and enters occurred in the City of Guelph. Forced entry was gained into businesses located on Woodlawn Road West and on Dawson Road. In all instances vehicles were […]
(TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH, ON) At approximately 4:30pm on Wednesday September 21st 2016, a theft occurred from a construction site located on Nicholas Beaver Road in Puslinch. Stolen was a vehicle described as 2006 GMC 4-door pickup truck, blue in colour, with the logo “Anderson Construction” on the side of the […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime overnight on Thursday August 25th 2016, a break and enter occurred at Waterworks Place located in the City of Guelph. Culprit(s) gained entry into the yard by cutting a hole in the fence. Stolen were tools from two trailers located on the property. Value of […]
(TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH, ON) At approximately 4:30pm on Wednesday September 21st 2016, a theft occurred from a construction site located on Nicholas Beaver Road in Puslinch. Stolen was a vehicle described as 2006 GMC 4-door pickup truck, blue in colour, with the logo “Anderson Construction” on the side of the […]
The Sound of Crime Stoppers is a contest for youth musicians interested in developing an original piece of music that will identify Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington. If you are interested in entering, go to Contact Us and request the Rules, Regulations and entry forms. Good luck!