(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA) Sometime overnight on Friday December 9th 2016, a theft occurred from a construction site located in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa. Stolen was an enclosed trailer which contained construction and carpentry tools. The trailer is described as black in colour displaying the company logo “board 2 Death” and […]
Crime of the Week
(TOWN OF ERIN) Since the date of Thursday September 1st 2016, several residential B&E’s have occurred in the area between the Fourth Line and Eighth Line in the Town of Erin. These crimes have occurred between the hours of 10am and 5pm, from Tuesday through Thursday. Stolen are electronics and […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime overnight on Monday December 12th 2016, a break and enter occurred at a commercial property located on Fair Road in Guelph. Culprit(s) gained entry into the fenced area. Stolen was a quantity of tires and rims. If you have any information about this crime, call […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) At approximately 1:30pm on Wednesday December 7th 2016, a theft occurred inside a grocery store located on Eramosa Road in Guelph. Stolen was a purse from a shopping cart. A possible suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5 feet tall with a thin build. […]
(TOWN OF ERIN, ON) Sometime between the hours of 3:47am and 4:07am on Monday June 13th 2016, a theft occurred from a business “Canadian Robotics”, located on Side Road 17 in the Town of Erin. Entry was gained into the compound by cutting the fence. Stolen was a white, 16×8’ […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) At approximately 9:00pm on Monday December 5th 2016, a robbery occurred in the area of Stone Road and Edinburgh in the City of Guelph. A woman was approached by an unknown male and was knocked down. Stolen was her purse. The suspect is described as male, […]