(TOWN OF ERIN, ON) At approximately 2:30am on Tuesday May 2nd 2017, a break and enter occurred at a business located on Main Street in Erin. Suspects were last seen on foot heading south on Main Street. One suspect is described as male, wearing a camouflage jacket with the hood […]
Crime of the Week
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime overnight on Sunday June 11th 2017, a break and enter occurred at a business located on Stone Road in Guelph. Forced entry was gained into the fenced compound. Stolen were 20 used car batteries. Approximate value of theft is $400.00. If you have any information […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime over the weekend between the dates of Friday April 28th and Sunday April 30th 2017, a break and enter occurred at building located on Wyndham Street in Guelph. Forced entry was gained through an interior office door. Stolen was a camera and two new iMac […]
(TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH, ON) Sometime overnight on Sunday May 7th 2017, a theft occurred from a construction site located on Sideroad 2 west, south of Mount Forest. Stolen were 4 tons of sheet metal roofing. Value of theft is estimated at $10,000.00. If you have any information about this […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime overnight on Wednesday May 31st 2017, a break and enter occurred at a business located on Malcolm Road in Guelph. Forced entry was gained into the yard by cutting the fence. Stolen were wheels and rims that were removed from two Infinity vehicles. If you […]
(TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH, ON) Sometime between the dates of Tuesday May 16th and Thursday May 18th 2017, a theft occurred from a yard located on Winer Road in the Township of Puslinch. Stolen was a vehicle described as a 2004 GMC Sierra truck, dark grey in colour. If you have […]