(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime over the weekend between Friday December 15th and Monday December 18th 2017, a break and enter occurred at a job site, located at Hanlon Creek in Guelph. Forced entry was gained into a work trailer. Stolen was a quantity of tools and winter clothing. If […]
Crime of the Week
(TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON, ON) Just before 5:00pm during operating hours on Sunday August 5th 2017, a theft occurred from an business located on Tower Street South in Fergus. The suspects are described as one male and one female. The suspect vehicle is described as a maroon coloured van with […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime overnight on Sunday December 10th 2017, a theft occurred from a compound located on Arrow Road in the City of Guelph. Stolen was a black covered utility trailer which contained a 2009 green Arctic Cat snowmobile. If you have any information about this crime, call […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) At approximately 4:30pm on Tuesday December 5th 2017, a robbery occurred at a business located on Carden Street in downtown Guelph. The suspect is described as a white male, approximately 5’9” tall, medium length brown hair, wearing sunglasses, a black toque, black rain jacket and dark […]
(TOWNSHIP OF GUELPH/ERAMOSA, ON) At approximately 4:15am on Sunday September 17th 2017, a break and enter occurred at a business located on County Road 124 in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa. Stolen were gas cans, a leaf blower and a few miscellaneous items. There were three suspects involved. The suspect vehicle […]
(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) Sometime over the weekend between Friday November 17th and Monday November 20th 2017, a theft occurred from inside a parking garage located at the Wellington Road East condo building. Stolen were three high end bicycles described as a Typhoon Thin Blue Line, a Rocky Mountain Soul […]