(CITY OF GUELPH) Sometime between Sunday January 12th and Monday January 13th 2025, a break and enter occurred at a business, located near Speedvale Avenue West and Royal Road in Guelph.
Culprit(s) gained access to the yard by cutting a hole in the fence. A storage container located on the property was forced into and several spools of wire were stolen. The value for the theft is estimated at $10,000.
If you have any information about this crime or any other crime, and wish to remain anonymous, you can submit a tip online at www.csgw.tips or call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). CSGW will forward your information to the appropriate investigative agency. You never have to give your name or testify in court. If your information is used in an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.