Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) unveiled a new look for the program’s vehicle.
The truck, a 2017 Dodge Ram pickup, looks brand new, thanks to a creative design that highlights the call to action, Say It Here.

The original wrap was due for replacement after six years of wear and tear. The new wrap, created and installed by Scutt Signs of Guelph, ties into one of the themes from the recently launched CSGW Road sign campaign.

A cohesive message is part of the motivation, but the Board of Directors knows the CSGW truck is a moving billboard that increases awareness of Crime Stoppers. Having it in good shape reflects well on the program.
With a dark background, the illustration on the sides of the vehicle is of a person holding a cell phone. This individual could be calling Crime Stoppers, or providing a webtip through the website. The design includes the program’s logo as well as social media icons. A slight tint on the front door windows adds to the overall design of the vehicle.
There are references to the toll free number, 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) and the website These are the only approved methods of reporting crime.
The rear window is dedicated to Ontario Provincial Police, who cover the costs of fuel and maintenance of the vehicle, as well as Wellington Motors where the vehicle was purchased at a reduced price to support the program, and the initials of the individual who made a generous donation to CSGW that allowed the Board of Directors to purchase the vehicle in 2017.
Let us know what you think of the new look!